Saturday, July 10, 2010

I bought some stuff

Aside from some comics and the awesome zombie game (see the post from a few nights ago) I've picked up a few other odds and ends over the last couple of days.

1) A Shiva Lingam stone:

I picked it up at Tamarack of all places for like $3.50 (same with No. 2). That pic isn't of mine but it looks remarkably similar. Clicky the pic-y for a brief description. Basically it's a god penis.

2) A tektite:

Mine most resembles the one on the middle. Clicky for learning. Basically it's a space penis.

3) Writing for Comics & Graphic Novels, revised edition with Peter David: He's one of the few comic writers who can make me laugh out loud and then make a jaw-dropping plot twist that I never saw coming.

4) The Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell: I find her delightful and insightful. Her take on modern American problems seen through the filter of our Puritan roots should be hoot. It was on sale for four bucks!

5) Pee-Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special: It was on sale for five bucks!

And now I'm broke 'cause I looked at the calender wrong and thought I would be getting another payday next week but yesterday's tiny, $43 dollar check is my last one for a few weeks. Damn.

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