Thursday, November 25, 2010

Reasons why I'm thankful

1) My parents who've always worked so hard to provide me and my sister and nieces with all the things they never had growing up. And more importantly, the things they did have - a loving, supportive, frequently aggravating, house full of great memories and a pretty nice life overall.

2) I'm relatively healthy, physically, mentally, and emotionally. So are most of my family and friends. The ones who aren't could be a lot worse off.

3) I have a cool job I actually like.

4) My hair is awesome. Pretty much all of me is.

5) Even though my ego my be over blown some of my arrogance isn't entirely unfounded. "Some" = most.

6) I'm able to waste money on self-indulgent stuff like comics, toys, beer, D&D dice and Magic cards, tikis, matching socks and underwear, over-priced coffee drinks, CDs, Wii games, bass strings, candy bars, DVDs, and pretty much everything else I buy.

7) Free internet porn.

8) A great bunch of friends - near and far - who put up with most of my nonsense and like doing the stuff in Item 6 with me. And 7. You know who you are.

9) Not living any closer to the Arctic Circle than I currently do. Or somewhere warm but awful.

10) My hair is super fantastic.

11) Being on speaking terms with most of my relatives and friends.

12) My brain. More specifically the few smarts I've managed to hold onto, and the other few I've managed to develop over the years. My IQ may not be the highest but it could be a lot worse. And my sense of humor, of course. You all should be equally, if not more, thankful for that one. Like it should definitely be in your top five thankful.

13) Did I mention my hair?

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